
Application to fell trees
There has been an application from Dr Pratt to fell five ash trees on the bank of the Avon New Cut along Commercial Road.

Good news about Chocolate Path
There is good news about Chocolate Path: the work to stabilise Cumberland Road has progressed to enable the path to reopen by the end of May.

Cumberland Road bus gate
The temporary closure of Cumberland Road to east-bound traffic will soon be permanent if Bristol City Council succeeds in introducing a ‘bus gate’ to the east of Gas Ferry Road.

Bathurst Basin frozen
It’s been twelve years since the weather has been cold enough to freeze Bathurst Basin.

Bird flu
Bird Flu has been detected in the harbour and Defra’s notice near Prince Street bridge sets out steps to avoid spreading it.

eDNA analysis of the Floating Harbour
Environmental DNA analysis of the Floating Harbour has detected the presence of threatened fish species including the critically endangered European eel.

2022 Garden Party
The MLRA annual garden party event coincided this year with the Platinum Jubilee weekend and residents gathered in numbers to raise a glass to the Queen.

The Lightship Arts Festival
Cabot Cruising Club presents The Lightship Arts Festival: 12th to 20th March 2022. 9 exciting days aboard The John Sebastian Lightship.

Coronation tea party
On 7th May 2023, Merchants Landing residents gathered along Bathurst Parade for a tea party to mark the coronation of Charles III.

Underfall Yard sluice repairs
The Bristol City Council application for Environment Agency funding to repair the Underfall Yard sluices has been successful.

Prince Street History Walk
On a sunny April evening, Merchants Landing resident Brenda Page led neighbours on a walk from the Prince’s Pantry to the far end of the Centre by Electricity House.

New pedestrian bridge?
The Bristol City Council Cabinet Member for Transport has suggested that a new bridge across the Avon New Cut should be seriously considered.

Application to fell trees
There has been an application from Dr Pratt to fell five ash trees on the bank of the Avon New Cut along Commercial Road.

Good news about Chocolate Path
There is good news about Chocolate Path: the work to stabilise Cumberland Road has progressed to enable the path to reopen by the end of May.